Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Second-Hand Books to Canvas Art

My latest obsession is second hand books. They're so pretty to look at and they're full of character.

On the weekend my husband and I were driving back from a lovely coffee date as I spotted a garage sale sign on the side of the road. As I do, I yelled 'Garage sale!' and being as wonderful as he is, he turned the car around and in we walked.

I scanned the place and found a cardboard box full of some vintage beauties.

I could hardly contain myself and convinced him I had to have them!

This love for second hand books escalated the other day when I found some old bibles at my local op shop. I used a bit of the old paper maché technique to create some vintage looking canvases!

I am delighted with my new little project.


  1. I love them so much! This whole site looks amazing dear Sister, Fabulous job, I'm very proud! :)

  2. Yeaaay you're my first comment :)
